Thursday, August 22, 2024

How did Carl Yastrzemski hit in Sept/Oct of 1967?

The Red Sox won the pennant by 1 game. They beat the Twins, the team they were tied with, on the final day of the regular season. In Sept/Oct, the Red Sox were never more than 1 game out or 1 game ahead. A very tight pennant race.

In his first 134 games thru Aug 31 in 1967 Carl Yastrzemski had

AVG .308
OBP  .401
SLG  .594
RBI 95

next 13 games

AVG .356
OBP  .442
SLG  .644

last 14 games

AVG .471
OBP  .557
SLG  .863
RBI  18

For all of Sept/Oct

AVG .417
OBP  .504
SLG  .760
RBI  26

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