Tuesday, August 27, 2024

How did the White Sox go from a .195 winning pct vs. sub .500 teams to a .351 winning pct over night?

The White Sox were 8-33 against sub .500 teams (.195) thru Sunday.

Here were the lowest winning%'s vs. teams with a sub .500 record in the Stathead database thru Sunday. This year's White Sox were way ahead of (behind?) the pack.

CHW  2024  0.195
NYM  1963  0.250
PHA  1916  0.286
PIT  1917  0.288
PIT  1952  0.295
PHI  1938  0.295
CIN  1932  0.295
NYM  1965  0.296

Click here to see the Stathead results. The 2024 White Sox are not there anymore, for reasons explained below.

This only covers the years 1901-2024. The 1899 Cleveland Spiders, who finished 20-134, were 9-33 vs. sub .500 teams for a .214 pct.

BB Ref now shows the White Sox at 13-24 (.351) against sub .500 teams. Since they lost to the Tigers yesterday the Tigers are now at an even .500 so apparently the White Sox 1-9 record vs. the Tigers is taken out of the mix (actually what was previously 1-8 is taken out of the mix).

So they were 8-33 against sub .500 teams before Monday's loss to the Tigers. Take out the 1-8 against the Tigers and we get 7-25. It looks like the Rays and Cards both just slipped below .500. Sox are

4-2 vs. Rays
2-1 vs. Cards

That makes it look like they should now be 13-28. But the Sox are 0-4 against the Cubs. The Cubs just got to .500, so those 4 losses drop out of the mix and we are left with 13-24 (.351), which is not the all time worst record against sub .500 teams. 

If the Sox beat the Tigers tonite then the Sox record against sub .500 teams would become worse than it is right now. What would that record be?

The Sox would then be 2-9 vs. the Tigers. That would make them 15-33 vs. sub .500 teams for a .313 pct.

And all that assumes nothing changes with the Cards, Rays and Cubs (and no other teams on the .500 bubble). The Giants are at an even .500. Sox are 1-2 against them. If the Giants were to lose today, then that would change things, too.

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