Monday, September 30, 2024

Ohtani did win a triple crown. A triple threat triple crown.

Ohtani did win a triple crown. A triple threat triple crown. He led in a(n)

POWER STAT:  (HRs, 54)
ON-BASE STAT:  (OBP, .390)

Here is the definition of Rbaser:

"An index measuring runner advancement on balls and strikes, i.e., pitches not hit, including stolen bases, caught stealing, wild pitches, passed balls, and defensive indifference, as measured above or below league average. Originated by Sean Smith and part of Baseball Reference player data."
See A Definition of Rbaser from The Baseball Almanac.
This link allows you to rank all NL players in Rbaser. See 2024 National League Value.  You have to click on Rbaser to sort by that stat. You have to do that in the "Player Value" section.

Ohtani had 10 Rbaser. Carroll & Turang were tied for 2nd with 7 each.

Here are the stats I have used in earlier posts to determine triple threat triple crown winners:

Speed (triples, SBs, SB%)

Power (SLG, ISO, HRs, TBs, extra-base hits)

Getting on base (OBP, times on base)

Recently I searched for leaders in XBT% who might qualify. XBT% is the percentage of times a runner advanced more than one base on a single or more than two bases on a double.  

Update 10-1-2024: I calculated Ohtani's basetealing runs (BSR) using the run values from the Baseball Encyclopedia by Pete Palmer. A SB has .22 and a CS has -.35.

Ohtani had 59 SBs and 4 CS. Then 

BSR = .22*59 - .35*4 = 12.98 - 1.4 = 11.58

If another guy had 0 CS, he would need at least 53 SBs to beat Ohtani since 53.22 = 11.66. At 52 SBs, we have .22*52 = 11.44. There was only one other guy in the NL who had 53 or steals, Elly De La Cruz. He had 67 SBs and 16 CS. For Cruz

BSR = .22*67 - .35*16 = 14.74 - 5.6 = 9.14

So the only guy who could beat Ohtani in BSR had a lower one. Therefore, Ohtani led the NL in BSR. I could have used that as his league leading stat for speed or base running. And he would still have a triple threat triple crown.

Related posts:

Triple Threat Triple Crowns (to see all of the past winners)

Newly discovered "triple threat" triple crowns using XBT% 

Ronald Acuna won a "triple threat" triple crown this year (in 2023)

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