Sunday, September 15, 2013

Andrelton Simmons now tied for best fielding WAR ever

Tied with Terry Turner at 5.4. Click here to see the rankings at Baseball Reference. Manny Machado is tied for 10th at 4.2.

After yesterday (9-17), he is back down to 5.2. So 2nd best ever

After 9-18 Andrelton Simmons is tied again for best fielding WAR ever Machado and Carlos Gomez are tied for 13th


  1. What I continue to wonder is how anyone is able to reconstruct the range factors, the zone ratings and all the other measurements that go into defining defensive ability when there's no one who's alive that ever saw Terry Turner or Artie Fletcher play, nor do we have an videos or anything else to shed light on what kind of fielders they actually were?
    To me, it seems to border somewhere between astrology and wishful thinking.

  2. Thanks for reading. Baseball Reference has some explanations that you can check out


  4. Thank you for the links. I didn't know there was such specific information about what type of hit and where it was hit is actually available.
    With the sloppy score keeping that we find in rechecking official game scores, I can't help but wonder at the accuracy, or inaccuracy of these reports and just how much credibility they truly lend to a recreation of a fielders ability?
    It seems the older the data, the more suspect we should be of it.

  5. After yesterday (9-17), he is back down to 5.2. So 2nd best ever

  6. After 9-18 Andrelton Simmons is tied again for best fielding WAR ever Machado and Carlos Gomez are tied for 13th
